- Early this morning, the sky was hazy-purple. Cedar pollen. Tonight I refuse to acknowedge the sore throat, blood-shot eyes, ringing ears.
- Last month, I put on my "good-girl" determination and dutifully stuffed all my fiction writing into a file cabinet and marked it SHUT! Family and household and property projects have top priority and it looks like I'm booked until next Christmas. But, I do sneak time to surf the web and guess what???? I've discovered a new-to-me writers' web site. Oh *sigh*; I want to spend all my time there (drat tax-time !) http://novelmatters.blogspot.com/ The site is headed up by six women who are Christian novelist: Bonnie Grove, Patti Hill, Kathleen Popa, Latayna C. Scott, Debbie Fuller Thomas, and Sharon K. Souza. These amazing writers offer encouragement, teaching, exercises, true confessions, and an abundance of writing information. Then one blog leads to a web site and another and .... oh, okay! TAXES and closets to clean and --- but wait... do I hear one of my characters screaming for help?????
- My daughter and I made our monthly pilgrimage to The Closer Walk Christian Bookstore today to stock up on greeting cards for all our prayer partners, sick friends, our blended family birthdays and anniversaries, and Valentine's. Yes, using postage and snail mail is my desperate stand against an ALL CYBER world.
- While at the local Christian bookstore (if you have one in your community, support it! At the Closer Walk there is always a bright smile, encouragement, ideas, and sweet personal attention) I gave myself a reward for staying organized! I purchased--just for my own selfish pleasure, the PRINT copy of Ann Voskamp's new book, one thousand gifts, A Dare to LIVE FULLY Right Where You Are. I've read Ann's blog posts for a long time and can't wait to slip under the covers each night and have Ann's words warm my heart, tell me of Jesus, and encourage me to live fully for Him. Her blog is A Holy Experience http://www.aholyexperience.com/ It's a perfect place for morning devotions or to have your spirit soothed at the end of a hard day. I'll report more on this book.
- Our weather has been nothing like all-points-east of us this year, but we've had a long, windy, cold, dry spell so Dear Heart made a big fire and I served my special beef stew for supper tonight. Slow-cooked, tender beef left over from Sunday with its 'Soppin-Sauce' gravy, carrots, celery, and tiny, fancy potatoes. Fresh cornbread finished it off. Which brings to mind - -
- How many of you STILL use a Rival Crockpot from the 1970's ???? I'd love to have a report from you, my readers. I have a new, modern Rival but it isn't trustworthy. Trustworthy is a great word! Comment below or send me an e-mail!!!
Blessings for a wonderful Wednesday!