October in Texas is often amazing. It is delightfully cool and gives me energy to do outlandish things such as prepare the soil for its winter rest, wash windows, and clean out closets. The best part of October in Texas is taking long walks under skies as blue as my grandson’s eyes.
With those things in mind, our local writers group, Hill Country Women of Words, chose to write about OCTOBER for our meeting this week. I’m posting here the words that flowed from my heart through my fingers yesterday afternoon just before meeting time. While the words surprised me, I am encouraged to renew my reach to answer His call on my life. Most of my readers are many years younger than I am and may not quite understand the larger picture here so please do not read gloom, doom, or sadness. Pause a minute in your own whirlwind life to find the joy, excitement, and awe in the calling of Jesus Christ.
October. Autumn. The 10th month of the year.
The land is tired and ready for its winter rest but first there is much to be done.
On All Saints Day we officially and communally pause to look back, to remember our ancestors, friends, and loved ones who beat us to the finish line. It is good to consider that instead of gloating and forgetting us altogether, those saints are surrounding the very Throne of God, praying for us who still struggle in this life. This year, our local Methodist church will dedicate the new Columbarium on All Saints Day. A very good thing.
In the cold of November, golden coverings fall from the trees, leaving them bare. Yet, the crops are safely gathered in so we come as thankful people, raise the song of harvest, ask the Lord’s blessing, and thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices. Thanksgiving: family gathers; a very good thing.
Then the best season is last when our earthly calendar ends with the Joy of Christmas and is complete with chorus, bells, and happy song. It is fitting that man created a calendar ending with a birth that gives Life forever. Christmas: celebrate Jesus, celebrate family, celebrate life; a very good thing.
And, so it is.
October. Autumn. The last seasons of my life.
It is about time for my winter rest and from my October vantage point, the calendar of my life is---
Dotted with both storms of sorrow and amazing, heavy showers of joy. I can now look back and see long periods of growth - - -
- - - and empty years of stagnation.
I am fascinated to witness how the seasons of my life connected and how
old things became new, increase replaced loss, and trust overcame fear.
So, at 74 ¾ years of age, I can see almost clearly how Christ worked it all together. I smile in gratitude. It is a very good thing.
Now, with only two seasons left - - - there are still celebrations and MUCH to do.
More than ever, I must be about my Father’s business.
J I must remember that those who are younger do not have the advantage of my amazing wisdom and grace and … well… I must be more patient. J
I will continue to diligently study the woman of Proverbs…
As I fold my hands in prayer, and as I knit, wash dishes, make beds, wrap gifts, wipe brows, and type words… please bless the product of my hands. . .
As I love and attempt to guide and bless and nurture please help me to look well to the ways of my household and may the teaching of kindness be on my tongue. . .
As I rise up and face each day… please let strength and dignity be my clothing. . .
Especially, may I smile at the future.
In the cold of the November of my life, as I slow more and more, I will give thanks for those crops I gathered throughout my seasons and I will raise the song of harvest; I will ask the Lord’s blessing on the meager gifts I’ve offered Him; and I will delight in praising Him with all my heart—even if my hands grow feeble and my voice dims.
Then at the Christmas of my own December, I will celebrate my real beginning.
Claim with me Paul’s admonition in Romans 11:36:
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”
Love and hugs and blessings !!