Saturday, September 25, 2010

Knitting The Scarf

     Just so you'll know I'm serious..... I got another six inches done tonight on the red and white scarf. Funny about knitting. Even though I do ONLY plain and simple, no-thinking-required knit stitch, every piece is different.
  • Well, yes: I use different size needles sometimes.
  • And, yes: I use different yarn.
  • Yes: I don't always have an even-same-as-before tension.
But, there is more. Something lyrical about knitting. I choose a length of thread and before I know it... my hands have created something warm and pretty and full of prayers.
     Sometimes I knit a happy piece and I knit along in a kind of sing-song style. Like the first scarf I ever made. It was last year and I made it for my first great niece. I loved the images of that adorable, prissy, five-year-old floating around my mind as I knitted.
     Then sometimes the knitting is heavy. And my stitches are tight. I pray hard and my brow wrinkles with each stitch. I made this scarf modeled by my own Dear Heart last January. 

       I hurried. I rushed. I knitted instead of cleaning and the laundry piled up. The stitches were tight, my heart heavy. The scarf was for my friend's Soul Mate. Even though it was only my third scarf, I  finished it in less than two weeks and quickly mailed it off.
     It arrived too late. But, Jana tells me she still sleeps with it every night.
      I'm pouring a lot of extra love into this current scarf. The red and white colors fill me with hope. I'm trying to sing my prayers and keep my stitches loose.
     Please pray for me as I work on this labor of love and thanksgiving.

 In the love of our Master,
~~ Liz ~~

Friday, September 24, 2010

For a Special Teacher

      I began a new knitting project tonight. I am knitting together two skeins of yarn, one red and one white.
      My grandson's favorite junior high teacher retired and I want her to have something special because she helped guide him through that impossible sixth grade year and loved him anyway! Then she embellished his existing love of books, authors, language, and reading in an endearing and enduring way.
      Red and white are the colors of our local schools.
      I'm using the new # 13 needles my step-daughter gave me when we were yarn shopping together. She inspired me to take up knitting a year ago during one of her visit's.
      Red and white are also the colors of scarlet sins that are washed white as snow by Jesus Christ.
      You can see this scarf will be special and I promise I will pray deep, abiding prayers in every single stitch.
      I'll post a photo when it is finished.
You are loved, Nancy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Changes Keep Changing

Am I the one who recently blogged about how much I HATE change? Probably so, because I definitely and absolutely insist that things MUST STAY familiar--stationary, fixed, unmoving, THE SAME.

*sigh* In these volatile silver years, I'm finding that life is upside down most of the time. (RT: another meaning of "volatile" is unpredictable .... AND explosive. Nuff said on that rabbit trail!)
          So I went along with necessary changes, learned to navigate Blogspot, and moved my blog to this delightful free Blogspot. Then I learned more and set up web pages at a free (!!) Yola Site. Not bad for a senior of the seniors!
          *double sigh* Then I decided that the names of the blog and the web did not properly explain their angles nor their content and neither was in keeping with my questionable place in life.
Dear Heart tells me that sometimes I think too much. Could be.
At any rate.
          I've changed the names of BOTH this NEW blog and the NEW web site. (And you think YOU are confused!!)
Now, let's see if I can get this straight.
My blog--this place where we are sharing right now-- used to be called something about writing aroung a kitchen table. NO, I am not giving up writing. I'm just redefining the direction of my writing. THUS: is official.
Next, my web site was ALL about my writing and was aptly named something about Liz writes (of all places) in Texas. Yes, I still write in Texas--WHERE ELSE??? And the web still contains a lot about my writing, my publications, my words..not one word of which would have happened without my wonderful family. I noticed, that most of the words and pictures centered around that wonderful family.
       SO        was born. Check it out... tomorrow I'll post a story about my Marine son when he was five years old.
       My brain and my files are brimming over with things to share with you on this blog. I've discovered fun new blogs by amazing young women and been deeply blessed. I've found fun recipes along with herb and writing and cooking hints, and lots and lots of prayers and praises I'm eager to share.
         ***The immediate prayer as I type these words on Thursday afternoon, September 23 is for one of my bestest writing friends. Tonight, Sally is speaking to the Abilene Writers Guild about how to write award-winning, publishable, meaningful, and beautiful poetry. My friend loves the Lord, her family, writing poetry, and making friends. Father, Bless my friend as she speaks and bless her words that she will serve You beautifully.)***
     And, while praying for Sally, I am reminded of Moses. Remember when he told God, well, if You won't bless Your people, I'm staying behind with them. (Author's paraphrase). I'm going to go back and study that confrotation...seems to me it has some lesson about the power of praying for each other.
         In the meantime, if you are still reading, I hope you feel loved and special. I love you for taking time to visit my blog -- but guess what? Jesus KNOWS you by name and loves you so much He gave EVERYTHING to protect you. 