Real rain wet rain much rain steady rain.
Water falling from God's Hands onto our dry, parched, thirsty land.
No, the drought is not over but our dirt got a BIG drink tonight.
Yes, it came with a bang. Lab Ava and I jumped five inches at the first out-of-nowhere-house-shaking-soul-straightening bang. But the water was wet.
Twelve hours earlier, the bride was radiant, the groom adoring and the families hugged and laughed, danced, cheered, and gorged on father of the bride Jimbo's remarkably luscious home made barbeque and the absolute best-in-Texas Italian Cream wedding cake. Drove safely through minor storms there and back. Stayed up late visiting, knitting, and listening to the rain that was predicted to end by 1 a.m.
Wooooo-hooooooo here it is five a.m. and the rain continues to fall.
Yes my restless legs roused me out of a much-needed and oh-so-restful sleep.
But I can type praises.
There is RAIN in Texas.
RAIN poured onto a sinful people from the loving hands of the One Triune God who is merciful and forgiving.
Thank You, Holy Father.
One of your grateful children,