Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 18, 2018
I have not written in my blog since my Beloved's health changed our lives. Now, I have managed to  live a year without him since he went to live with our Lord and Holy Father. Tonight I found a photo of my Gus when he was healthy and we enjoyed busy times. Wasn't he handsome? 

I then found a poem that those days inspired:

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On the swing
At the end of a hectic day.
We talked a bit and shared the load
     While the sun slipped gently behind the hills.

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     In our rocking chairs
Stretching our legs, airing our thoughts.
We let our burdens go
     While twilight tiptoed around the clouds.

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On the back porch
Shedding the pain of grinding lives.
We absorbed strength from each other
     While heaven sang a lullaby.

We walked together, my beloved and I,
     Back and forth around the yard
Finding words for a sweet surrender.
We said I love you or please forgive
     While warm breezes kissed our cheeks.

We sat together, my beloved and I
    on the front porch
Touching hands and minds and hearts.
Then with our souls at peace
     We heard the voice of God.

Years passed and our lives...and my memories... changed:

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On his hospital bed inside our home
At the end of each hard day.
We talked a bit and shared the load
     While the sun slipped benignly behind the hills.

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On his hospital bed inside our home
Learning to let our burdens go.
We gazed through the window watching the sky
     While twilight tiptoed around the clouds.

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On his hospital bed inside our home
Shedding the pain of his hard Hospice life.
We enjoyed the precious, extra time we were given
     While heaven sang a lullaby.

We sat together, my beloved and I
     On his hospital bed inside our home
And found a sweet surrender.
We said I love you and please forgive
     While warm breezes kissed our ancient trees.

We sat together, my beloved and I,
     On his hospital bed inside our home
We touched hands and minds and hearts.
Then with our souls at peace
     We still heard the voice of God.

And, now, today:

I sit alone
On my one bed inside my new house
Searching for courage in my empty heart.
But my soul is restless
     And God's voice is silent.

     Our time together was beautiful, dear Gus. I will love you forever.  Your Bride, Liz
May 18, 2018.