Wait. Hold it.
My 76 is not finished.
Ahhhhh. What a beautiful day.
I've enjoyed a number of sweet events
during the last days of my seventy-sixth year as a real God-created human
living on this earth. The first six months of my 76th year, I was
still reeling from a life-changing illness that began during the last two
months of that strange silver jubilee.
Well, into the life of everyone some rain falls, and all
that. So be it.
BUT. . . .
These days, I make myself STOP to relish,
cherish, memorize, and enjoy moments. And to give thanks. The past few days have
been full of those times.
For the LAST time while I am SEVENTY-SIX,
things I will never ever repeat while I am still 76:
- Monday:
I attended a writers’ meeting. !!! Those
faithful writing ladies at Hill Country Women of Words always save a chair for
me (and reading time) just in case I show up. I read an excerpt to them from a
project I’m desperately working on to finish before my 77th year is
done !!!! (worthy goal, don’t you think !!!) They, of course, gave me great
reviews and cheers to carry on to completion.
- Tuesday:
Dear Heart & I had missed Valentine's
Day this year, on purpose, so he took me to lunch a few days late to celebrate
our Valentine memories…believe me, we have special ones: He proposed--with
roses in hand--on Valentine's Day 2002, we walked on the beach in Sarasota, FL,
and landed back on earth a few years later. We cherish remembering special days
AND continue (YES, even old folks can create new special memories) to make new
memories to celebrate.
My Christmas Cactus is blooming like crazy. Gorgeous, beautiful, crimson blooms to knock your socks off.
- Wednesday:
**Dear Heart, Daughter, and I all went to
Darren's Hair Cut place for fresh haircuts. Together. At the same time.
** Then, all three of us got pedicures & manicures. Well, I got the additional
french tips, but I'm the birthday girl, don't you see.
** Son called me from
Ahhhhh. One of the good things in life. A grown son who calls his
mom. A year ago when I was desperately ill for some 40 days, he called everyday
for some four weeks when life was touch and go. Didn't miss a day. With all his
responsibilities. Yes, I am blessed. Last Wednesday we chatted and shared while
he walked Duke, the family faithful dog. Yes. Good things.
- Thursday:
**I am ashamed to admit that I actually forgot
a lunch date with a precious friend. Can you imagine???? Well, give me a little
credit (and, she gave me LOTS of forgiveness) several bad nights / busy days in
a row. Being such a dear and long-time friend, she knew something had gone
wrong when I didn't show up at our appointed time. She called, I cringed, she
forgave and even brought hamburgers to my house--even an extra one for Dear
- Friday:
Sweet daughter-in-law gave me a to-die-for
- Saturday:
left my two precious care-receivers at home for 4 hours while I attended a
workshop at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. With her words, Mary Earle filled my
heart, soul, and days with encouragement, enlightenment, and hope. I've ordered
a few REAL books to further encourage me through this year's Lenten
Journey. You know: books with paper pages on which I can mark, highlight,
and dog-ear. (apologies, Grandson J.)
** Mary Earle's:
Julian of Norwich: Selections from Revelations of Divine Love-Annotates &
** Greg
Pennoyer: God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter
Norris: The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and "Women's Work"
These selections should
fill my 77 Lenten Journey. !!!
And now it is Monday. I'm still 76 years old. This week alone:
© Dear Heart and I took time today to run errands.
While we were out and about, I filled the car with gas and gave thanks we can
afford to keep it running; we went through the car-wish and gave thanks I don’t
have to hose it myself; I vacuumed all the dirt and gravel out of the inside
and gave thanks for the heavy-duty vacuum that is easy for this OLD woman to
handle; and back safe in our garage, I wiped all our windows with my magical
© I made a CD, all by myself, that will play a
video I made, all by myself, on my camera. wooo-hooooo
© Saved $10.00 per month on my phone bill
© Further organized my office to efficiently
handle the latest responsibilities passed off from Dear Heart. He calls me his
Best Secretary.
© Served a delicious soup and cornbread supper on
the lovely new dishes Daughter K. gave me for Christmas.
None of my little, daily,
end of a year, things are earth-shattering or even life-changing. I just know that
life goes on and that it feels good to stop to remember and to give thanks.
So, when you wake up in the
morning, you will find this, the last words I penned while I was yet SEVENTY-SEVEN. I was born in 1937. On the 25 (2+5=…. Yes 7). Somehow, I am eager to experience what a whole years of SEVENS will produce.
Therefore, dear friends, I am convinced that it is a
good thing to stop, think, remember, make note, and high-light special moments,
days, events. Life speeds by faster than most of us can even think. Life is
good. Rich. Sweet. God planned it like that way back in the Garden days. I
believe it is important, regardless of our birthday numbers, to continue to
take stock, remember, celebrate, and yes: CHERISH the gifts God provides day after day, year in
and year out. In sickness and in health.
Until He calls us Home.
Pending that day – REJOICE. I say again, REJOICE.
Of one thing I am certain:
My Holy Father’s love and presence and forgiveness is
faithful. Always.
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am HE,
I am HE
who will sustain you.
I have
made you and I will carry you;
I will
sustain you and I will rescue you.
Blessings and Hugs,