What is good in your world?
My world has been strange and I almost forgot that the Son is shining.
Over the past three months, there have been many dark days around our house so I am determined to look up, give thanks with more gusto, and to see the sun and The Son through all the clouds.
My computer screen has been blank. My typing fingers still. For 104 days.
One hundred and four days hiding out on my hill. One hundred and four days without posting on my blog… or writing thank you notes… or sending sympathy cards… or reaching out in any way to anyone... without knitting a stitch.
And me a woman of MANY words.
My spirit was numb.
No, we’ve had no tragedy and I am grateful. In fact, my family and I are deeply, abundantly blessed. However, when I am seriously sleep deprived, my life is inside out and upside down. Actually, over the past year, my world has been upside down more often than right side up.
Do you remember the adage we drilled into our children’s minds?
A frown is just a smile turned upside down!
Things appeared to pile up on me and my smile turned
Then, the other day, I reread my “October” post.
The one I wrote last October.
The one about living in the fall of my life.
I have not written a blog since.
And I thought, “Oh Dear!!” That post was followed by such a long empty silence, my readers must think, “Liz Left Life !” or worse: “Liz has nothing more to say.”
Oh my!!!! Dear me !!!
During my silence, many of you wrote sweet, inquiring, encouraging notes for me in the comments section of the blog or via e-messages. Each word and prayer blessed me in all those places of my soul that were dry and cold. I was grateful to you. Even when I could not pen a response, I carried your words in my heart.
But I could not find my words.
Sometimes, I saw my words lurking behind the blank computer screen. Often, they danced around my head. Other times, the words just sat at a distance and teased me. I could not grab them. I could not contain them. I just stared at the blank screen.
Today I decided to take a big dose of courage and tell you that I do have MANY, MANY words left. Granted, the words don’t fall into place easily, but
Today, with the psalmist, I declare, “Blessed be the LORD, because He has heard the voice of my supplication. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults., and with my song I shall thank Him.”
Psalm 28: 6-8 NASB
On this first day of a new month, two of my own words, written just for you, come easily and quickly:
. . . Thank You . . .
. . . for praying when I could not … for being there when I was quiet … for stopping by today… for taking time to use your words to say you care.
My prayers are flowing again.
And I am covering YOU with words to our Holy Father.
Love, Liz