The Texas Hill Country finally got some WINTER this week. It was a doozie. Not bad like most of the rest of the country. Ours was dry, dry, dry but *shiver* *shiver* COLD. Monday night I was unable to sleep so got up about 12:30 a.m. and worked at my computer awhile. About 2 a.m., I decided to shut down and try for sleep again when suddenly, without a flicker of warning, the lights went out and I heard a freight train bearing down on us. FAST.
Automatically, I felt my way to my stash of flashlights then rushed to the other end of the house and hustled Daughter out of her warm bed and back to the master bathroom. I managed to get Dear Heart awake and to the “safe room.” The wind was indescribable. Ferocious. If you’ve been through or near tornados or hail storms, you know what I mean. Gus stayed with us a few minutes then yawned and said, “I’m going to bed.” *sigh*
It was a long night. No trees came down and the roof stayed on the house but believe me when I say: a real storm passed over.
Then the cold set in. During the day Tuesday, the temperature stayed in the 20’s and that night, I dutifully got all the faucets dripping appropriately. I thought. Wednesday morning four of our cold-water faucets had no cold water. Those pipes had been re-routed into the ceiling a few years back. I have since determined the difference between “a drip” and A DRIP. The temperature hovered between 10° and 20° until today.
Again, though, we are blessed. The sun began to shine this morning and by 1 p.m. our faucets were running open and clear and no busted pipes.
The week actually turned out rather cozy for us. We made our grocery store run on Monday—along with everyone else in town—so soup simmered while we snuggled in the living room by the fire.
Turned out that my time lounging by the fire was not wasted. I cleaned up my blog site. Actually, what I did was to create three other blogs. I know. I never learned the art of KISS…keep-it-simple-silly!
For me, it is fun and you will honor me if you browse around awhile. The construction is almost finished and then I will use this blog, My Praying Chairs, for some serious devotions. I’m also ready to resume posting on my favorite books list at My Reading Chairs, I have a few NEW stories to post on Stories From Liz’s Heart, and we'll share knitting needles at Let's Knit & Pray
I THINK I’ve revamped the settings on all to make it easier for you to leave comments. Try it and see. I’d love to know what you think.
And when the storms come, think of Peter and me........
“…Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” [ ahh, the story of my life ] And IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”[why of why… Forgive me, Lord Jesus.]
Now let us be like wise men and go quickly to find Him!
P.S. Take a minute and surf over to Whether you are a young bride or a golden senior, my cyber-friend Melinda shared a post today that will make you smile.