Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Thanksgivings

Last Thursday (August 30 J) I posted my first blog since Easter Sunday, April 8. There was a key phrase in last week’s phrase. . .

          NO. It was NOT about the blue folder,  my lack of sleep, or growing old.

Remember??????  Yeah !!!  GIVING THANKS.
The key phrase in my recent post was:

 * * *   when I remember to thank Him and praise Him, the trudge is easier * * *

Last year, I read and re-read and continue to meditate on favorite sections of Ann Voskamps’s A Thousand Gifts. Her book and testimony changed my prayer life.

This morning the restless legs woke me up around five a.m. For the second time during one night. Better than most nights. So, about 6:30 a.m., I eased to the back porch armed with a cup of fresh coffee, my journal & pen, Jesus Calling devotion, and my large print Bible. There was just enough light in the eastern sky to write and as I began entering my most recent gifts, three dozen or so Hummingbirds that summer in our trees rushed in for breakfast at the red feeders hanging from the eaves of our porch.

Oh, the buzzing of wings and squeaks of pleasure as the little guys and gals flitted & fluttered, flipped & flapped, and zipped & zagged. I giggled—out loud—thinking how God might feel on the mornings I greet Him with praises and thanksgivings as I stretch & yawn at the beginning of a new day.

Today is a relaxing “Labor Day” for us….. the calm before we jump headlong into a busy week of regular living and medical appointments and two months of excitement before grandson’s wedding.

But today, we are reflecting on the Gifts of Gathering:
  * * Joy – Blessings – Fun – Food - Hugs - Catch-up – Laughter – Stories * *

 All that happened over the weekend at our son’s place just down the road for Labor Day and the 75th Birthday celebration of Dear Heart’s youngest surviving sibling. If I count correctly, four generations of the Eberle clan gathered . . . from Dear Heart at 89-years-happy down to Samantha at 21-months-adorable. Plus the grands from Ohio and Lubbock and Houston and Dallas, cousins from near and far, friends from around the state and down the road, and a large assortment of family pets.

         Yeah, in Texas we call that A Passle of Folks.

I hope your Labor Day held even more joy and love than mine.



Key words for the week: Lovingkindness /  Everlasting

For a quick refresher to your memory & mind & heart: Psalm 106: 1; 107: 1; 108: 1-5