Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Stockings Are Not Hung, But....

Day-before-Christmas-Eve joy to each of you! Wonder fills my heart.
We drove around town last night checking out our town's private Christmas lights. Even Ava went along and stood still for a Christmas photo !!

After supper, I got the cookie dough made and it's chillin' away.

     We are going to mid-week noon communion in a few minutes. Somehow, stopping to go into the house of the Lord strengthens me to keep my heart focused on my King during the daily grind of living.
     Then we've giving ourselves a treat to lunch out before we come home to bake cookies. If my granmother's Snickerdoodles turn out okay, tomorrow I'll post and picture and the recipe. Then tomorrow we'll deliver some to friends.
      I do have to make one more stop at the grocery story *sigh* but mostly my pantry is ready. We're keeping it SIMPLE this year and I LOVE it!
      We'll have a light supper after Christmas Eve traditional service with one grandson and his "intended."
      Our Christmas Day will be quiet and I'll make a simple ham/baked sweet potatoes/fruit salad meal and we'll CHILL. [lol: kinda like my cookie dough ]
      It took a LOT of prayer, but I finally let go of my sadness that we cannot make the trip to Kentucky to be with my son, daughter-in-law, and beautiful granddaughter for Christmas.  We had so looked forward sharing this first Christmas in their new home and new life. Last summer, he retired from 21 years in the Marine Corps and they stepped out into a whole new world. They wanted us to share this special Christmas with them, but it wasn't to be and I cried--a LOT. Then while the hot water poured over me in my shower prayer closet, my Father showed me how good life is, how much He's given me, how blessed I am.
      So, I dried my eyes and dressed and got a sweet Christmas ready for my sweet husband and precious daughter.
      It was good to remember that we do NOT have to have and extravaganza  of bells, whistles, lights, candles, people, comings/goings/doings, events, or special gatherings to celebrate the amazing gift of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Merry Almost Christmas, Sweet Friends,


Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Love from God

The Creator of the universe and all that is or ever has been or ever will be is amazing. And to think, this awesome Triune God knows you and me by name!!!!

Today is blowing my mind, so to speak. I KNOW that I WILL get up (or still be up???) around 2 a.m. cst to view the total eclipse of the moon.

  • Because it is an incredible event
  • Because a total eclipse of the moon ON WINTER SOLSTICE has not happened in 456 years. Let's see, that would be.... 1554 ???? What on earth [or heaven] do you think people thought that night?
  • Because a total eclipse of the moon ON WINTER SOLSTICE will not happen AGAIN until the year 2094. Let's see, I will be 157 years old. Of course, some days I already feel that old, but never the less........ 
  • Because my husband's FIRST great grand DAUGHTER will be born tomorrow morning, on Winter Solstice, just a few hours after the astonishing event in the night heavens. [of course, I get to ride on my Dear Heart's coat tails and will claim a little great-grand-memaw status]
  • And, because our little Samanta Kay will only be 84 years old when the next one occurs. What a birthday she will have!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I hope you wake up or get up or just stay up to witness one of God's breathtaking gifts in the heavens that He so lovingly created.

God made two big lights, the larger
      to take charge of Day,
   The smaller to be in charge of Night;
      and he made the stars.
   God placed them in the heavenly sky
      to light up Earth
   And oversee Day and Night,
      to separate light and dark.
   God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1: 16-19 The Message
Heavenly Blessings to ALL of you,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shepherd Sunday

Tomorrow, the 4th Sunday in Advent, is sometimes known as Shepherd Sunday.
I'm praying diligently that my shepherd heart will be open to those who need help, encouragement, time, and guidance and that I won't be afraid to go where my Holy Father leads. I'm also praying that I will allow my Shepherd to protect my heart and thoughts and time and energy. Sometimes keeping up with a flock of sheep--even if it is only a few--can be difficult.
During the wind up to Christmas, it is easy to remember that part of shepherding is listening. Let's listen closely. We might even hear angels singing!

Holy Father, bless our earthly spiritual shepherds and help us to grow up and become the shepherds you call us to be.

Blessings through this last week of Advent. Welcome the Lord Jesus with joy!
