Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm tired.
Spent some lengthy time this morning reading blogs written by younger, more talented, and much wiser writers. I know most of them on a face-to-face basis...when time permits. When time doesn't let go, I'm glad for their blogs to know their hearts. I highly recomment all the blogs listed that I follow--these are just a few.
I'm supposted to do so many things today but I'm just sitting.
I need to be in my prayer chair, but I'm dry. And I have to go and do. Then I have to apologize for things I should have done (*sigh* there's that "s" word) or promised to do and didn't.
I'd like to blame it on being old.
Problem is I suspect I've taken on an old being.
And *sigh*, I don't know the core problem.
Maybe not enough prayer time. Not enough being time. Not enough Scripture time. A sentence in my current Bible study on "What We Believe" pointed out, 'studying God's Word is prayer.' Sometimes, yes.
I hope your day is filled with the love of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit.
Now I'll go and do and try to let things/people/pets be.

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