I’m intermingling other posts between Favorite Book List. The other six books are on my desk, ready to have their beauty described, but I'd like input from my readers about LIVING life in the Septuagenarian box.
AND there WILL be a PRIZE! Okay???
The story is not very long…..
When I reached the age of 70, I barely noticed. I was still energetic, relatively healthy, and about as mentally alert as I ever had been J. I kept on keeping on and life was good.
Until someone said, “You are a Septuagenarian."
*YIKES* A WHAT????????? I am NOT yet eighty !!!
My thinking was corrupt. A Septuagenarian is
A person in the EIGHTH (8th) decade of life;
a person between 70 and 79 years.
EITHTH DECADE??????? PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK !!!!!!!!!!!!
I counted it up on my fingers to be certain. Yep. Septuagenarian.
Okay. Deep breath. All in all, things were well. My husband still loved me, my children enjoyed coming home, they invited us to fly the friendly skies to visit them, and my writing life was modestly successful.
Then I got stuck at thirty-thousand words on my historical fiction and the few things left on My Bucket List rattled around at the rusty bottom. As I languished in the innocent, early stages of Septuagenarianism, a boredom worked its beguiling way into my days.
My family needed me at home more and more, my writing was blah, and our friends were younger and heavily involved with grandchildren and volunteering. I began “surfing the net” in my loneliness. Soon I thought That looks like fun.
By autumn, cyberville was in my blood so I set up a BLOG: Liz’s Front Porch for prayers, devotions, and praises. In fact, I posted a devotion on my blog every single day of the 2008 Advent season.
During the summer of 2010, I discovered fabulous FREE blogs and websites written by fabulous and busy young women. I moved my web presences to the free sites, improved their appearance and content.
Through blogging, I’ve met many fine, Christian, cyber women from around the world who are lovable, smart, fun, and devoted to our Heavenly Father. They are also ALL very YOUNG. I adore and admire these women, but I NEED MORE!
Here is where my faithful readers and busy bloggers come in:
I want to meet other Septuagenarian Christian bloggers.
My questions:
How do other gals in their EIGHTH decade of life handle life and the cyber world?
How do they manage to make the world better?
What do they read?
And I want to read what Christian women in their EIGHTH decade write.
I’ve found many bloggers in their fifties and sixties but I’m stuck there.
Please send me the blog address of any BLOGGERS you can find--or currently read who are
Everyone who submits to me a Septuagenarian Christian Blog Address will have their name put into my warm, fuzzy winter hat.
On January 1st, I will conduct an honest and fair drawing.
The winner will receive a SIGNED copy of
Dena Dyer’s book: Let the Crow’s Feet & Laugh Line Come! [Rediscovering Beauty and Self-Worth at ANY AGE] (Barbour 2010) Dena is another of my YOUNG friends, but she and the many older women she interviewed take us on a fun-filled word trip to learn how to slip into our older years, gracefully enjoying life and all it has to offer.
You may contribute your “find” on the comments section of this blog or you may e-mail me at
eberle225@gmail.com I promise to keep
ALL e-mail addresses and your personal information absolutely private.
I will also post the best finds!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs and Blessings on Our Septuagenarian Blog Search!!!!